In our first study of the NAMES of GOD in His Word, we saw that “El is the Root word of
Elohim and it describes His Greatness
and Glory; it displays God’s Power
and Sovereignty”.
Then we looked at Elohim as the Creator God. What force
and Creative Power is manifested because God created this vast Universe out
of nothing. Gen 1:1
Then we saw that the name ELOHIM is Plural suggesting the
Trinity was there in Creation. This is confirmed by many other Scriptures such
as Genesis 1:2b where “The Spirit of god
was hovering over the waters”. And John
1: 1:3 In the Beginning was the Word....through Him all things were made; without Him nothing was made that
has been made. So when in Genesis 1 it says, ‘and God said, “Let there be light
and there was light.”’ It was Jesus who was there the Word or Expression of God bringing creation into
Thus ELOHIM is the Creator God. He created with the active
energy and agency of the Living Word and the hovering Holy Spirit.
ELOHIM longs for Fellowship
with us.
Genesis 5:24 And Enoch walked with God: and he was not
because God took him.
ENOCH being Translated |
When things on earth were getting worse and worse after the
rebellion of Adam, God began to notice a man named Enoch. His life was fairly uneventful until he was sixty- five
years of age. Then Enoch’s wife bore him a son and God told Enoch, “Name the
baby Methuselah,” which means, “I’ve
had enough of this sinfulness, so when the Child dies, the flood will come upon
the earth.” During the next 300 years Enoch fellowshipped with God. He so
developed his relationship with Elohim that one day something amazing happened.
God reached down from heaven and took Enoch into heaven into eternal life. In
Hebrews 11:3 it says Enoch was translated
by faith. To translate means “to carry across”. He was carried across
into heaven to be with God and he did not die. Methuselah continued to live upon
the earth. The people knew that the day was coming when the Flood would arrive.
Enoch had walked closely with Elohim but all the others were
living in violence and rebellion. But Methuselah lived longer than any person
recorded in the Bible – 969 years. Why was this? God kept extending His mercy
and His Grace because he hoped to preserve man who He had placed upon the earth.
Methuselah has a son name Lamech and one of his sons was Noah. Notice the importance of the
family line when you come into a covenant relationship with God by faith. The
promises are always made to your children too.
God said to Noah, “The end of all
flesh is come before me; for the earth is filled with violence through them;
and, behold, I will destroy them with the earth.”Gen 6:13 Despite this
violence and wickedness the Bible says, “Noah found favour in the eyes of the
LORD.” Noah was a righteous man, blameless among the people of his time and HE WALKED WITH GOD. An Noah had three
Amazing things happen to those who like Enoch
and Noah walk with God. The secrets
of the LORD are for them who fear Him and fellowship with Him. He longs for our
company and close relationship.
Elohim’s promise is to our families if they will
walk with God. He will pour out His anointing and blessing upon our descendants
in answer to prayer. Will you walk with Elohim the Mighty Creator today?
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