etymology is uncertain, but it is generally agreed that the primary idea is
that of strength, power of effect, and that it properly describes
God in that character in which He is exhibited to all men in His works, as the
creator, sustainer and supreme governor of the world”. Smith’s Bible
שׁדי shaday,
Shaddai, “Irresistible, able to destroy, and by inference to make,
Almighty.” שׁדד shādad “be strong, destroy.” This
name is found six times in Genesis, and thirty-one times in Job. Barnes.
El Shaddai first appears
in Gen 17:1-2
Gen 17:1 And when Abram was ninety-nine
years old, Jehovah appeared to Abram and said to him, I am the Almighty God! Walk before Me and be perfect.
Gen 17:2 And I will make My
covenant between Me and you, and will multiply you exceedingly.
From A.C. Commentary on Gen 17:1 I am the Almighty God - אני
אל שדי ani El shaddai, I am God all-sufficient; from שדה shadah, to shed, to pour out. I
am that God who pours out blessings, who gives them richly, abundantly,
before me - התהלך לפני
lephanai, set thyself to walk -
be firmly purposed, thoroughly determined to obey, before me; for my eye is
ever on thee, therefore ever consider that God seeth thee. Who can imagine a
stronger incitement to conscientious, persevering obedience?
Be thou perfect - והיה תמים vehyeh thamim,
and thou shalt be perfections, i.e., a together perfect. Be just such as the
holy God would have thee to be, as the almighty God can make thee and live as
the all-sufficient God shall support thee; for he alone who makes the soul holy
can preserve it in holiness. Our blessed Lord appears to have had these words
pointedly in view, Mat_5:48 : Εσεσθε ὑμεις τελειοι, ὡσπερ ὁ Πατηρ ὑμων ὁ εν τοις ουρανοις τελειος εστι· Ye Shall Be perfect.
M. Hickey says it comes from the word meaning “field” as
the fields produce in abundance. It is also translated “breast” or ‘many breasted
One’ which signifies nourishment or productiveness. He is the One who is more
than enough, the All Sufficient One. The names of God. P.48
Wikipedia says” El Shaddai (Hebrew: אל שדי, el ʃadːaj) is one of the Judaic names of God, with its etymology coming from the influence of the Ugaritic
religion on modern Judaism. El Shaddai is conventionally translated as God Almighty. While the
translation of El as "god" in Ugarit/Canaanite language is straightforward, the literal meaning
of Shaddai is the
subject of debate.”
God said to Abraham the promise, “ I’ll give you
seed as the dust of the earth,” when he was 99 years old. His wife Sarah was 89
years old. God showed that he was more than Enough, the All Sufficient One,
when He overcame nature. That is what Happened when Isaac was born.
God is Enough to meet your need whatever it is. He
is not bound to natural laws and He can do the Impossible. Trust Him today.
Your monotheism has clouded your mind. Christianity was not monotheist until the Banker's distortion called the KJV.